All Posts in Art Directors Club of Denver

June 22, 2013 - Comments Off on ADCD’s Annual Show

ADCD’s Annual Show

You concepted for hours, sketched it out hundreds of times, presented to your entire office and pitched to the client. Then, you gritted your teeth – and repeated the process. Finally, your creation was approved and produced. Now, it’s time to show off your portfolio-making, swagger-entitling, competition-infuriating, next-level work. Call for entries for Annual Show is still going on now. Find out more info at: Deadline is July 7, 2013.

Oh, and while you are there check out the amazing collection of Promo videos like the one from Ryan Bramwell of Spillt featured above!

April 4, 2013 - No Comments!

Paper Fashion Show – XL Edge Video

Every year I'm involved with ADCD's Paper Fashion Show I'm always so impressed with the countless hours and creativity that each team put into creating their fashions for the show.

Several teams have put together behind the scenes looks into the making of their fashions. Here's a link to a video 5280 created about Barry Brown's winning design "Gloria Deo"  Barry Brown - Gloria Deo. Barry worked solo for over 300 hours to complete it and nearly 20,000 dots of paper were used to create this fabric-like, flowing quality.

One of the fashions that really caught my eye this year was XL-Edge's fashion titled "Moji Toki" (mo-he-toe-key). Friends of Mine created a really nice video (featured above) that shows some of the work that went into creating the fashion. However, the best part of the video is that it shows the fashion in action on the runway...something I missed from backstage. The transformative and moveable elements really made the fashion come alive on stage. Definitely one of my favorite fashions from this year's show!


February 4, 2013 - No Comments!

Paper Fashion Show Tickets

The Paper Fashion Show is coming March 8th, 2013. Get Your Tickets Now at

What is the Paper Fashion Show™?

Designers create incredible fashions from paper, which are showcased at our grand runway show, and voted on by a panel of judges. The event includes a fully stocked cash bar.

Part of the proceeds and auctioned fashion designs from the Paper Fashion Show™ benefit Downtown Aurora Visual Arts (DAVA), a local community organization that provides after-school arts programs for at-risk youth. Kids participate in projects that help build self-esteem and increase connection to the community. ADCD has donated more than $22,500 to DAVA since the Paper Fashion Show’s conception in 2004.

Doors open to Lobby at 6:00 PM (6-7 cocktail hour)
Doors open to Seawell Grand Ballroom at 7:00 PM
Show starts at 7:30 PM

Seawell Grand Ballroom at the Denver Center Performing Arts Complex

December 2, 2012 - Comments Off on Paper Fashion Show Video

Paper Fashion Show Video

With call for entries open, Paper Fashion Show season is officially here. Don't miss the fabulous CFE video created by SPILLT... digital round of applause for all of their hard work!

November 29, 2012 - Comments Off on ADCD’s Student Show

ADCD’s Student Show

It's true good things happen to those who enter the ADCD Student Show! Colorado Design Students it's time to enter some of your best work! We want to see it. Enter here right meow!